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Campaign in a Box
Pain Free in 30 Days
Campaign in a Box
Campaign in a Box
Avoid Back Surgery
Campaign in a Box
Ready to Get Rid of Sciatica?
Campaign in a Box

Spinal Decompression Marketing Just Got WAYYYY Easier ... and cheaper!

For only $399 You Get the Following Customized For Your Clinic:

Campaign in a Box - Pain Free in 30 Days

Campaign in a Box

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What You Get

Campaign in a Box
  • Advertorials – Proven, professional that have been shown to generate dozens of phone calls and enquiries in both a one page and two page format
  • Display Ad – Beautiful, effective ad for you local newspaper
  • Phone Blast Script – These cost pennies to run and can be very effective
  • 4-Color Postcard – Direct mail to prospective patients for powerful lead generation
  • In-Office Pop Up Banner – Fully customizable, branded, in office display to solicit internal referrals
  • Lead Generation Ad: Simple cost effective solution to drive newspaper inquiries
  • PPC Ads: So you can take advantage of search and mobile marketing opportunities

What You Don’t Get

  • Expensive Graphic Design Bills – We paid the graphic designer and can split it between clients so you don’t have to.
  • Expensive Content Writer Bills – We paid the writer and can split it between clients so you don’t have to.
  • Cheesy, non-professional marketing – These pieces are professionally written and not done by chiropractors moonlighting as marketers.
  • High Pressure Sales Tactics – Our marketing is low pressure, no sales and is based on research and patient education. Did we mention no sales?
  • Nickled and Dimed – There are no monthly fees, no contracts, no add- ons and no shipping or other fees.

Campaign in a Box 2


Campaign in a Box

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If you’re a Spinal Decompression Practice trying to grow your patient base, then you need to pay attention to this message. Your life is about to get significantly easier. So, let me ask you a critical question: what do you think is the most common complaint we hear every day from both US and Canadian spinal decompression doctors when it comes to growing their practices?Hint: It has to do with marketing.

The answer is: “I wish I had more leads. Once they get in to the clinic we do great. It’s just getting more phone calls and bodies in the office.”

Smart doctors know they need to market, but lets face it… you weren’t required to take any marketing courses to get your degree and for most doctors this stuff just doesn’t come naturally.

So, how are you going to fix that and build a steady stream of qualified spinal decompression leads every single week and month?

The traditional approach has been to hire marketing companies, but sadly, they usually create nothing but disappointment. Why? Because marketing for medical patients is A WHOLE LOT different than marketing for a used car dealer.Many of their “tried and true” marketing strategies JUST DON’T WORK for spinal decompression clinics. And the prices they charge can be astronomical, as much a thousand dollars or more for one newspaper ad that may or may not work.

If you’ve tried the traditional approach then you know exactly what I am talking about. You’ve seen how expensive it is to pay:

  • A graphic designer
  • A copy writer, and
  • A marketing consultant to tell you when, where, and how to run your ads, postcards and internal referral programs

That old way ALL CHANGES NOW!

Campaign in a Box 3

Avoid Back Surgery

Campaign in a Box

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Presenting the Affordable “Decompression Pro’s CAMPAIGN IN-A-BOX”. For less than price of purchasing one newspaper ad from one of our competitors you get a FULL CAMPAIGN!

Here’s what you get for only $399

  • Two Advertorials – Proven, professional that have been shown to generate dozens of phone calls and enquiries in both a one page and two page format
  • Display Ad – Beautiful, effective ad for you local newspaper
  • Phone Blast Script – These cost pennies to run and can be very effective
  • 4-Color Postcard – Direct mail to prospective patients for powerful lead generation
  • In-Office Pop Up Banner – Fully customizable, branded, in office display to solicit internal referrals
  • Lead Generation Ad: Simple cost effective solution to drive newspaper inquiries
  • PPC Ads: So you can take advantage of search and mobile marketing opportunities

Campaign in a Box 4

Ready to Get Rid of Sciatica?

Campaign in a Box

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These campaigns are:

  • Branded – with confidence building healthcare industry colors of blues and greens
  • Professional – We’ve paid the graphic designer and content writer thousands so you save big time
  • Proven- We have tested, re-tested and tested again these ads and programs to ensure effectiveness
  • Something you can rotate as frequently as you need.

Your marketing is like produce… it needs to be kept fresh. When this campaign starts to slow down you can simply order a new different “Campaign in a Box” and you are ready for a steady stream of qualified spinal decompression patients.

Stop the frustrating marketing migraines! It’s time to get your phone to ring with qualified spinal decompression patients so you can go back to being a doctor and not a marketing manager.

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Campaign in a Box

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